Sunday, July 05, 2009

I don't think that it is any suprise that the last time I wrote was the day before my dad past away. March 6th. Than about a month later My grandma Died and a month after that my mom had a bad fall in the garage. Needless to say my time was spent a lot at funerals, hospitals, rest homes and other various places.
For some this wasn't a good enough excuse for me not to keep up on my blog.So now that some of the dust has settled I am commited to doing weekly updates on my blog for all the many followers I have. NOT!
So since March 5th let see Leah turned 9 and monty the big 40 in that is old. Haley got promoted from elementary school and will start JR.High in August. Which I rather not send her to. But she is a strong girl and I think she will do well and probably be a good example to her friends around her. She turned 12 in june, the week of girls camp. Whitney Gradutated from Preschool. I swear they have a ceremony for everything these days. But we were very proud of her. She learned so much this year and is very ready for kindergarten this year.
Monty is busy being Bishop, daddy, husband, home owner, Provider for his family.He hardly has time for any hobbies. He recently wisked me away to the exotic city of Fresno. Kids went to grandma Skinners for a sleepover. So he took me for a ride along on his business trip. We actually had a great time. We saw a movie, went out to eat and I relaxed in the comfy hotel room bed.It was the week after Girls camp so the relaxation was much needed.
Girls Camp was great this year. it was wonderful after all these years to finally have a girl of my own up there. Haley had a great time I hardly saw her. She found me at least once a day to give me a hug.Friday night she bore a sweet testimony at campfire. That was the highlight of my week! it was wonderful to be up there with my girl haley, my sister and three nieces.
Well I have more to share but you will have to wait for the new and improved blog! am going to post more

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Midnight talks with dad

I went downstairs to get a drink of water and discovered that my dad was awake in his bed. he asked me what i was doing up and I asked him. He had forgotten that mom was gone on a trip to disneyland for a few days. He said he was worried about her. I reassured him that she was okay and that she'd be home in a couple of days. I told him I would remind him tomorrow where she was.
Then we start to talk about life, what it was like to get old and not have control.He told me he wasn't a control freak but he enjoyed being in charge. He wsn't really sure what the difference between the two was. We talk about motherhood and he told me that I was an angel. I gave him water and chapstick and tucked him in. He told me he loved me and I exchanged the same sentiment.
It's not the big moments in life, it's a the little ones added up together. Midnight talks, watching my daughter snuggle and try to read books with her grandpa, a back scratch, or sneaking a cookie together. these are the moments that I try to cherish while I still have them. I will miss midnight talks when my daddy is no longer here. But he still is here so I am going to grab as many small moments as I can.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Never would have made this up.

I can be a control freak sometimes. More so in my mind. these past several months have really been a test for me in the control area. I'm always trying to figure what God has planned for me. i try to make the plans but they never go the way I have lay ed them out. So I am obviously not the one in control.
If you would of told me a year ago that my husband would be called as Bishop and then My parents would move in with us and that we would buy a home I would have laughed or thrown up.

The first item is a very humbling thing. A pit instantly grows in your stomach when your Stake president calls for an interview. And then when the call comes you have all sorts of thoughts go through your head. Like "I think they called the wrong number?", "Do they know how unworthy and unequipped we are?", Do they know how young and immature we are?". But then a calming peaceful feeling comes over you that is the Holy Spirit that confirms the whole thing. and no matter how unsure you feel, you know that your Heavenly Father will guide you and help you through. It's been about Eight months now and though trials come our way and it's not always easy we have been immensely blessed.

Then there comes the merging of the Degruccio Ma & Pa and the Skinners in September. It started kind of as a joke. But then as dad stared to become more fragile and we look at what the future may bring we decided it would be a good idea. We thought many countries have their families under one roof and help take care of one another, why not us.

Here I thought i was going to be a lonely Bishops wife and all of a sudden I have a house full. Including my Niece who is about to leave on her mission.
My mom and dad's home of 40+ years sold in record time for how the housing market is right now. It was hard for them and us children to see that era end. I still don't like to think about some one else living in our home. And if I went to visit I couldn't just walk right in. So I just pretend that it is still there the way that it was with the furniture and pictures on the wall.

Then came a hunt for a home that would accommodate us all. It was hard to find all the specs. that we needed. we got attached to a few homes that for one reason or another they didn't work for us. Then on Halloween we saw the home we are in now. The next day I drove by and my friends dad who is in real estate let me in. I didn't want to seem cheesy but my gut told me this house could be it. i could see how well it would work for us. We came back again on Monday and walked through with Monty and mom and Liz aka friend/real estate agent. It was unanimous we all liked it! But we still had an offer on another home that we had gotten attached to. Not trusting my instinct I got on my knees and ask God what was the right house for us. I had my own feelings but this is a huge decision and a lot of money at stake. Within the hour the agent of the house we had an offer on came and said the bank wanted more money. the timing again was impeccable. We knew that we needed to back out of that house and proceed with this home.

Now just because a decision is right doesn't mean it will be easy. Escrow was hell! I think it is probably like childbirth, everyone has their horror story of their 72 hr. labor. Well we have our escrow horror story. Which I choose not to share right now.

So here we all are in our beautiful home. The trials in life are still here. taking care of our dad and husband for mom is in no way easy. To see your loved one go through illness and know that their time is limited is tough. But I can not deny that the lord has provided the best means possible for us to care for him.

So I try to let go of my control freak ways. Because I know that the Lord always has a better plan. Not the easiest but the better plan. Better than I could ever come up with myself.

Life is full of hardships, trials, and letdowns. No one can escape that. But when I get quiet and stop my busy life, shut out the noise, the blessings emerge. And those blessings always get me through whatever it is at that moment I dealing with.

Monday, October 06, 2008

My Dream Job

I fall into the typical category of the youngest child can't decide what to do with my life syndrome. I have never been able to decide a definite field I would like to go into when I "grow up">". Which should be anytime now. I go back and forth from teacher to counselor to an author maybe something in the arts or music to use my creative side. It occur ed to me the other day while I was going from one activity to another that I already am doing my dream jobs.
I am a teacher. I get to go work in all my children's classes. Anywhere from playing with play dough to correcting papers or just listening to a child talk. And of course being a mom I am always in teacher mode.
I am a counselor. I have great friends in my life and sometimes we share our problems with each other. I do my share of getting counsel and other times I am doing the counseling.
I am an author. I use my blog to write make newsletters, poems for gifts, programs for church and letters to friends and write in my journal. I am already an author of some sort.
I am an artist. I am creating everyday whether it be a meal, a school project or a clean house I can use my creative side everyday. I can sing in choirs or the shower.
I can give my girls pedicures or my husband a foot rub and feel like a beautician or massage therapist.
I still have dreams of getting a full education in one field or another. But in the mean time instead of dreaming of what I will be I will embrace what I already am. I don't get paid in a monetary way and even though that would be nice I do get paid in the joy that comes from being my own kind of teacher, counselor, author,artist,and my favorite most exhausting, fun, eventful 24hr. job of Mother.